St John

Click the button for a meeting list and directions. Please note the list features meetings on all islands so you will want to filter by island. Best to also filter as ‘any day’ and ‘any time’ to see the full list by island.

St John has three AA meeting locations and welcomes all who have a desire to stop drinking.

  • Coral Bay Group meets at: Our Place: 14-2 Estate Carolina (just off Route 10). Please click ‘Find a Meeting‘ for information.
  • Cruz Bay Group (also called ‘We’re all here because we’re not all there’) meets at Nazareth Lutheran Church, Behind the old Pickles Restaurant. Please click ‘Find a Meeting‘ to get time, and location, that is best for you. Biz meeting is held Last Fri of every month after meeting.
  • Hawksnest Beach meeting is part of the Cruz Bay Group and meets at Hawksnest Beach. Please click ‘Find a Meeting‘ for information.